Travel Diaries

Blog Sphere.  I have a new name.  A combination of my birth name, Anne Lindsay, and an added middle initial,  W.  I am named after my paternal great grandmother, Anne Wilson.   My  mother (now deceased) informed me that as my father walked to the registrar’s office my middle name — Wilson —  slipped his mind.  For my entire  life,  due to my father’s  carelessness, I have suffered an egregiousness abbreviation of my name.  I was diminished by a  slip between the informal act of naming and the official act of registration.

A new name.  A  pun realized by creative re-spacing and phonetic agility — an new lindsay — I’m sometimes so clever I make myself sick.

About annewlindsay

I don't go 'first class'. I can't afford to and even if I could I think I would still choose to travel as I do. I think you meet a more interesting class of people if you use local transportation and just take your chances. I'm getting restless again. Hope to meet you on the bus or train.
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4 Responses to Travel Diaries

  1. williamhaywriter says:

    The beauty of the blog is you are your own editor and publisher

  2. annewlindsay says:

    Yes. Must sharpen my editorial skills.

  3. I am so excited you have a blog. I can’t wait to see what travels come from you geographic movements and the internal movements of your cluttered mind!

    • annewlindsay says:

      Thanks Laurie. I am still finding my way round the blogosphere. I didn’t know you were a blogger until now. I’ve joined the sisterhood and brotherhood of bloggers. I’ll visit you.

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